The Taming of the Shrew

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on August 16, 2012

Here are the questions that you asked about love and marriage in ‘Taming of the Shrew’ :

1. Why did Bianca get married to some stranger that she hardly knew?

2. Did they know what love was? What does it mean to them?

3. Why is love so complicated?

4. Did Bianca and Katherina love each other?

5. Why does the Father have to be the one to arrange the marriage?

6. Why do we only see marriage as a physical bond when it is spiritual as well?

7. Where did society go wrong with marriage?

8. How do you think this story would pan out if back then, in marriage, women had more rights?

9. Is love a fancy or a feeling?

10. How can Katherina get married to a man that she doesn’t even love at first?

11. Did the girls have some choice at all?


Congratulations to each and every one of you for coming up with some great questions!



  1. Kadesha says:

    1. Why did Bianca get married to some stranger that she hardly knew?
    – Bianca got married to Lucentio because Lucentio actually spent time with Bianca pretending to be her language teacher and Lucentio’s servant pretended to be him, his servant talk to Bianca’s father and Bianca’s father thought Lucentio would be the best person for his daughter. But Bianca wasn’t marrying a complete stranger, she spent a little bit of time with him and fell inlove with him.

    2. Did they know what love was? What does it mean to them?
    – They didn’t know what love was because the father of the two girls was talking to see what male would be the best person to marry him daughters, meaning who was the richest pretty much.

    3. Why is love so complicated?
    – Because it actually love, everyone was in it for the money and offers, well mostly everyone because they girls father was one of the richest.

    4. Did Bianca and Katherina love each other?
    – Yes. A love and hate relationship.

    5. Why does the Father have to be the one to arrange the marriage?
    – Because it was a tradition.

    6. Why do we only see marriage as a physical bond when it is spiritual as well?
    – Because Katherina didn’t love Petruchio, he made her get married to him.

    7. Where did society go wrong with marriage?
    – Because in some cultures when a girl falls pregnant and isn’t married to the man, the first thing they say is to get married to him also they will let anyone get married, even if its under the influence of alcohol which makes unhappy marriages and quick divorces.

    8. How do you think this story would pan out if back then, in marriage, women had more rights?
    – I believe Katerina wouldn’t of got married at all, Bianca would of been married to whomever she fell inove with and Katerina might of been happy because she wasn’t forced into doing something.

    9. Is love a fancy or a feeling?
    – In the play love is a fancy because none of the girls were truly inlove, there father picked who they would spend the rest of there life with, the girls didn’t get a choice.

    10. How can Katherina get married to a man that she doesn’t even love at first?
    – Because her father decided, she didn’t even get asked, she got told.

    11. Did the girls have some choice at all?
    – I believe the girls father was trying to find someone that would look after them, but no, the girls didn’t have a choice.

  2. Decklan says:

    1. Because she was sick of being arranged to marry everyone.
    2. Yes they both knew what love was, if they did not how could they have been “infatuated” with each other? It mean love to them
    3. Why is this even a question is a better question.
    4. Yes, although it was a love/hate relationship.
    5. Because that’s how it was back then in the ancient times.
    6. This really depends on the context of what you are talking about, this can be normal or super spiritual.
    7. Society went wrong when people thought marriage was temporary if they wanted it to be?
    8. If woman had more rights back then this story would not have existed and it would have been more fair to all parties.
    9. This is a stupid question, it is to what the individual makes of it.
    10. She shouldn’t, this story is messed up.
    11. Not really. Bianca had more choice than Katerina.

  3. Jeremy lyons says:

    because she was in love and she got to know him when he became her teacher and it was love at first sight. =)

  4. Jeremy says:

    My full answers….
    1. Why did Bianca get married to some stranger that she hardly knew?
    Because she was in love and she got to know him when he became her teacher. It was love at first sight.
    2. Did they know what love was? What does it mean to them?
    Yes, it was love to them. Love means really liking someone to them.
    3. Why is love so complicated?
    Because if you don’t find the right person you might not be happy. And in those days, you couldn’t divorce.
    4. Did Bianca and Katherina love each other?
    Yes, just because they are sisters. They loved each other, but they didn’t like each other. Probably because Katherina was jealous of Bianca because she was beautiful.
    5. Why does the Father have to be the one to arrange the marriage?
    Because he wants to make sure that his daughters are happy. Men were in charge back then.
    6. Why do we only see marriage as a physical bond when it is spiritual as well?
    Because we wear the rings, to symbolise that you are married, to show that connection. Back then it was probably more spiritual because it was forever, and now if you change your mind you can get a divorce.
    7. Where did society go wrong with marriage?
    Now or then? Back then you couldn’t get a divorce, it would be like a jail if you didn’t like it. Now you can get a divorce, people probably use it more when they want to start over.
    8. How do you think this story would pan out if back then, in marriage, women had more rights?
    Katherina would probably not get married so the movie would be called ‘Not taming the Shrew’. Bianca would probably still get married.
    9. Is love a fancy or a feeling?
    Love is probably a feeling, it’s always there.
    10. How can Katherina get married to a man that she doesn’t even love at first?
    She gets tricked. Her father arranged it.
    11. Did the girls have some choice at all?
    Yes, I think so. Not many though, they could have chosen to run away.

  5. Michael says:

    1. Why did Bianca get married to some stranger she hardly knew?
    – I think it’s love at first sight.

    2. Did they know what love was? What does it mean to them?
    – I guess they didn’t really know what love was but they knew that they were in love. Love to them meant being together all the time and just caring for each other.

    3. Why is love so complicated?
    – It’s not, the only one who was really in love was Bianca and Lucentio. Lucentio was willing to go through anything for Bianca, even willing to let his slave become the master.

    4. Did Bianca and Katherina love each other?
    – No, I don’t think they did. They never did anything for each other, they never showed that they loved each other, not even once.

    5. Why does the father have to be the one to arrange the marriage?
    – Because that’s just how it was back then?

    6. Why do we only see marriage as a physical bond when it is spiritual as well?
    – You do see a little bit of the spiritual side of marriage when the priest is talking. If it were only physical, then why did they still need the priest?

    7. Where did society go wrong with marriage?
    – When people decided that marriage wasn’t something that always last forever and that you can get divorced and married again.

    8. How do you think this story would pan out if back then, in marriage, women had more rights?
    – What do you mean by more rights? If you mean that women got to choose who they married then well Katherina would most likely never get married and Bianca probably would’ve gotten married to someone else before she even met Lucentio.

    9. Is love a fancy or a feeling?
    – With Katherina and Petrucio love is a fancy, but with bianca and Lucentio love is a feeling they both have for each other.

    10. How can Katherina get married to a man that she doesn’t even love at first?
    – Arranged marriage use to be a big thing so there are a lot of other people who have been married to someone they didn’t love at first.

    11. Did the girls have some choice at all?
    – Not really.

  6. Eden says:

    2. She didn’t get a choice about it she had to marry who her father chose so the man she married was kind of her choice. It was her chance to make her own life.

    2. I think they did because they had spent much time together and risked her father madness to have a secret wedding. It meant they could have a chance to make there own mark on the world.
    3. Its only complicated if you make it complicated.
    4. I believe they did, just because siblings fight does not mean they dot love each other.
    5. Because back in those days the father had control of everything and he had to make sure that his daughters would be well off and looked after.
    6. Because everyone does physical things rather than spiritual. Society has changed our views on things.
    7. Where did society go wrong with marriage? They let anyone get married even if they are drunk; there are no rules on marriage as such anymore.
    8. The father wouldn’t of chose who his daughters had to marry and Bianca would have just married whomever she like and Katarina probably would not have got married.
    9. It’s both
    10. She didn’t really have a choice about it she was forced into it.
    11. Did the girls have some choice at all? Not really the father decided everything.

  7. Shanae says:

    1. That is how people were married back in the day ;), marriages were arranged between the man and father.

    2. They may have known what love was, they may have experienced it before, but back then love and marriage didn’t necessarily go together. The relationship between Kate and Pertruchio most certainly was not love. Their marriage did not mean a whole lot to them emotionally, but was important for Kate financially and important for Pertruchio because it gave him status.
    However the relationship between Bianca and Lucentio could be love because those 2 were given a choice to marry each other and they did. They were not forced into it.

    3. Love isn’t complicated, at least it doesn’t have to be. That is simply a view some people have.

    4. It is hard to tell if they truly did love each other because they were always fighting. however people can still love eachother and fight a lot. throughout the entire story the two sister never did anything nice for eachother, they only ever had negative experiences with eachother so no they did not love one another.

    5.It was tradition, back then the daughters were property of their father and then their husband. its like selling a car- DISGUSTING!!!

    6. who said marriage was only a physical bond?? issues much??

    7. I don’t think society has gone wrong with marriage. I do agree that marriage is not as important as it used to be and is no longer considered a precious bond. if this question is implying that marriage in taming of the shrew is the ‘right way’ then that is seriously wrong. people have rights and those rights include being able to choose whether or not you want to be married to someone and spend the rest of your life with them. as a result of these rights being enforced in society the divoice rate has risen and people see this as marriage ‘going wrong’. But what is more wrong? A few more divorces or a bunch of women trapped in an abusive marriage just like the old days?

    8. There simply wouldn’t be a story, Bianca would be able to marry whoever she wanted and Kate would continue her single life and probably have a job and a house of her own and it would be a jolly good time 🙂

    9. A fancy???? Love is a feeling you have for someone. its like hating someone, that is how you feel about them. Love is the same only a positive feeling.

    10. She was forced into it, if she had a choice she wouldn’t of married him simple.

    11. No, daddy made all the decisions xoxoxox

  8. Madeline says:

    1. Katherina didn’t really have a choice in the matter, back then they had arranged marriages and the father chose.

    2. They thought they knew what love was it was love back then when there was arranged marriage, but now that you choose your own husband I guess love has a different meaning.

    3. Back then love was so complicated because it was pretty much arranged love for most, their fathers would choose people for how much they had to offer or how much money they had.

    4. I think Bianca and Katherina did love each other they just didn’t see eye to eye, if they put aside their differences they were sister of course they loved each other.

    5. Back then it was just the way it happened, the father made a lot of decisions for their daughters and who their daughter married was one of them.

    6. I don’t think everyone sees it as a physical bond, but a spiritual bond or else there would be no committing to each other or no love.

    7. I think society went wrong with marriage when it became a sort of trend, it was just the thing even if you hadn’t been together long you would get married. Then when it sort of became normal to get a divorce making it worse.

    8. I think if Katherina got to chose maybe she would have changed her mind eventually, maybe even still married Petruchio. If their was no rules maybe Bianca would have married before Katherina.

    9. Love is a feeling that you feel towards someone or something.

    10. Katherina didn’t really have a choice whether she got married or not it was a decision made for her by her father.

    11. Bianca sort of got a choice but Katherina didn’t really get a choice in the matter.

  9. Mary says:

    1. Bianca married some stranger that she hardly knew because she was frantic for love. He caught her eye and she did too.

    Act 1 Scene 1 pg11-18

    Bianca just wanted freedom because of these many years living with Katherina, while so many men seek her hand in marriage.

    2. In Taming of the Shrew love certainly existed. Although they didnt reallu understand the meaning of the word love,they seem to show it in some way; love was complicated. But nearing the end of the play Katherina speaks of marriage in war like terms, thus love becomes a sort of war.

    3. Love is complicated. You cant just show and instantly someone will fall in love with you. Love is reserved, you have to try and own and deserve love. In Taming of the Shrew love was a complicated cogency.

    4. Yes, Katherina and Bianca loved eachother. They had their differences and they would argue over small things but behind all that was love.

    5. The father had to be the one to arrange the marriage because he was the head of the family, the one who made decisions for his daughters.

    6. We mainly see marriage as a physical bond because thats what everyone believes and in addition most of the things done in marriage is physical.

    7. Society went wrong with marriage. The rate of couples getting divorced is increasing because of this people get married because the girl is pregnant and to make this not as embarassing couples are forced to get married. OR people are just getting married without thinking of the realities of marriage, what really comes with the whole package. Some mistakingly get married or forced to because of physical reasons.

    8. The story line would be a whole lot different. Women would have a choice of who to love and to be with.

    9. Love is both a fancy and a feeling. Fancy is a mental image and that is what love is, since love is a fancy you make a feeling for yourself.

    10. Petruchio and Kathrina are inlove from the moment they laid eye on eachother. They test each other and school eachother. She finally is getting used to the idea of herselfas a wife. As she chooses Petruchio over all the men in Padua; following him in the rain when he leaves her at the gates.

    11. The girls did have some choice/freedom. Katherina had a choice of leaving with Petruchio, and letting Petruchio announce their marriage, she didnt say a word when she came to her father.
    Bianca also had a choice with the guy she wedded.

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